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CO_FOR040 Otway Coast Catchment

Aire River Sub Catchment

Inactive Reach: 35_26 Ford River

Habitat Scores

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03-04-2012 - 26-05-2017
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation
May 2017 Good Good Good Excellent Good

Upstream of sampling site: Good cover of natives,however blackberries are heavily established.


Downstream of sampling site:  RH bank = blackberries have been removed, grass and water weeds cover surface.  LH bank:  has intensive blackberryi intrusion beneath native trees

April 2016 Good Good Good Excellent Fair

List of vegetation included on Field sheet

April 2015 Good Good Good Excellent Fair
Grasses, Ferns, Kangaroo Apple, myrtle Wattle, Carex sp., Knot weed, Blackwoods, Indian Weed, Eucalyptus sp., Pomaderis sp., Mosses on rocks and logs, Daisy Bush. One small fish. Blackberry infestation quite serious upstream of bridge. Some spraying evident downstream.
May 2014 Excellent VeryPoor Fair Fair Good
Planted native vegetation along stream riparian zone is well established, but blackberry is intruding. Lots of snags (coarse woody debris) located downstream of bridge. Although some blackberries have been sprayed downstream of bridge, lots remain along with vinca.
May 2013 Fair Fair Fair Good Poor
The replanting by Landcare is now well established upstream of the bridge. Now = 3meters tall and dense cover. Blackberry infestation and willows are pest species on downstream of bridge banks. S-East side banks are composed of sand and are easily eroded, cattle hoove prints obvious at the base of banks. Coarse woody debris is present, streambed sandy silt.
April 2012 Fair Fair Good Good Poor
2 year old Landcare reveg site after Willow removal immediatly upstream.Willows and blackberries at monitoring site.

Water Bugs

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WaterWatch Method
21-05-2012 - 20-04-2017
Date Taxa Count Total score Rating
November 2016 177 46 Good
October 2015 236 51 Very Good
October 2014 185 51 Good
May 2014 227 44 Very Good
November 2013 115 51 Good
May 2013 233 53 Very Good
September 2012 84 49 Good
May 2012 355 33 Fair

Water Bugs

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Agreed Level Taxonomy Method
06-05-2013 - 28-09-2017
Date Taxa Count Weighted SIGNAL
April 2017 160 5.1
November 2016 196 6.4
April 2016 250 5.9
April 2015 138 5.3
May 2014 227 5.9
November 2013 115 4.4
May 2013 233 5.5

Physical Chemical Tests

Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
8.80 mg/L
Temperature - WATER
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
13.0 ° C
19.5° C
Temperature - AIR
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
16.0 ° C
15.0° C
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
7.30 pH Units
7.60pH Units
Electrical Conductivity
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
200.00 µS/cm
Reactive Phosphate (mg/L)
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 05-12-2017
0.020 mg/L P
0.030mg/L P
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
84 %
Turbidity - NTU
Explain for me 03-04-2012 to 25-06-2018
10 NTU
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