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WaterWatch Data Portal

CO_MOO030 Moorabool River Catchment

Monday 21st February 2005 0:00am Approved

Water Conditions

Last rainfall
Flow estimate
Water Appearance
Stream depth
Stream width


Flood plain approx 0.5km wide. Grazed & cropped since late 1830s. Surrounding land mostly used for lucerne hay production with seasonal grazing (approx 6 month/year). River width 33m, depth 5m (bank to bank). Red gums on banks only, very little regeneration. Silver tussock verges mostly replaced by phalaris since introduciton in 1950-60, reasonably successful in preventing bank erosion. Tussock regularly burnt to eliminate rabbits and foxes. No understorey.
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
Fair 3 Good 8 Poor 4 Poor 2 Good 8 Fair 25

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

Physical Chemical Trends

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