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Yarrowee River at Brown Hill Reserve Reid Crt, Brown Hill CO_YAR050

Corangamite Barwon River Barwon River Yarrowee/Leigh River 33_15 Yarrowee River

Site Visit
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
f. Family Hygrobiidae, Genus Hygrobia (screech beetle adults)
f. Family Hygrobiidae, Genus Hygrobia (screech beetle adults)
Quantity: Score: 1
f. Order Amphipoda  (scuds, sideswimmers)
f. Order Amphipoda (scuds, sideswimmers)
Quantity: Score: 3
h. Family Telephlebiidae (teleflebs - Dragonfly nymphs)
h. Family Telephlebiidae (teleflebs - Dragonfly nymphs)
Quantity: Score: 9
j. Family Dytiscidae, various genera (little diving beetles)
j. Family Dytiscidae, various genera (little diving beetles)
Quantity: Score: 1
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
9.4 14 19 91
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
d. Family Simuliidae (black fly larvae)
d. Family Simuliidae (black fly larvae)
Quantity: Score: 5
f. Order Amphipoda  (scuds, sideswimmers)
f. Order Amphipoda (scuds, sideswimmers)
Quantity: Score: 3
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
9.5 11 16.5 7.5 741 0.08 86.36 6.03
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
5.7 13.5 20 6.8 850 0.045 54.85 8.38
Physical Chemical Habitat Scores
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
Good 4 Fair 6 Fair 6 Good 4 Poor 4 24
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
Stonefly nymph (Plecoptera)
Stonefly nymph (Plecoptera)
Quantity: 30 Score: 8
Damselfly Nymph (Odonata)
Damselfly Nymph (Odonata)
Quantity: 3 Score: 6
Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda)
Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda)
Quantity: 30 Score: 3
Side Swimmer/Scud (Amphipoda)
Side Swimmer/Scud (Amphipoda)
Quantity: 10 Score: 4
True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera)
True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera)
Quantity: 1 Score: 4
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
d. Family Simuliidae (black fly larvae)
d. Family Simuliidae (black fly larvae)
Quantity: 20 Score: 5
f. Order Amphipoda  (scuds, sideswimmers)
f. Order Amphipoda (scuds, sideswimmers)
Quantity: 200 Score: 3
t. Family Leptoceridae, Genus Notalina (Headbanger caddis)
t. Family Leptoceridae, Genus Notalina (Headbanger caddis)
Quantity: 2 Score: 6
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
12 17 7.5 1046 0.03 10
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
Freshwater slater (Isopoda)
Freshwater slater (Isopoda)
Quantity: 5 Score: 5
Aquatic Beetles - Diving Beetles, Whirligig Beetles (Coleoptera)
Aquatic Beetles - Diving Beetles, Whirligig Beetles (Coleoptera)
Quantity: 5 Score: 3
Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda)
Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda)
Quantity: 10 Score: 3
Roundworms (Nematoda)
Roundworms (Nematoda)
Quantity: 30 Score: 3
Side Swimmer/Scud (Amphipoda)
Side Swimmer/Scud (Amphipoda)
Quantity: 200 Score: 4
True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera)
True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera)
Quantity: 40 Score: 4
Fly Larvae -True, Black, Crane, March, Horse, and Soldier Fly Larvae (Diptera)
Fly Larvae -True, Black, Crane, March, Horse, and Soldier Fly Larvae (Diptera)
Quantity: 2 Score: 2
Non Biting Midge Larvae - Bloodworms (Diptera)
Non Biting Midge Larvae - Bloodworms (Diptera)
Quantity: 5 Score: 1
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
12 15 7.5 749 0.013 25
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
6.4 22.5 21 7.5 1220 0.015 75 10
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
4.7 19.5 23 7.5 700 0.045 53 10
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
10 21 29.5 7.5 1820 0.015 118 35
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
7.8 15.5 23 7.4 1514 0.053 78.23 11.32
0 Photo(s) Physical Chemical Water Bugs
c. Phylum Annelida, class Hirudinea, (leeches)
c. Phylum Annelida, class Hirudinea, (leeches)
Quantity: 1 Score: 1
f. Order Amphipoda  (scuds, sideswimmers)
f. Order Amphipoda (scuds, sideswimmers)
Quantity: 100 Score: 3
f. Order Araneae ( fishing and wolf spiders)
f. Order Araneae ( fishing and wolf spiders)
Quantity: 3 Score: 5
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
12 14 7 880 0.03 98 10
Physical Chemical
D.O mg/L Water ° C Air ° C pH pH Units EC µS/cm rP mg/L P D.O. % Turb NTU
12 19.5 7.5 1230 0 10