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WaterWatch Data Portal

NE_BUF030 Ovens River Catchment

Buffalo River Sub Catchment

Inactive Reach: 3_33 Buffalo River

Habitat Scores

Explain for me
16-02-2007 - 16-02-2007
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation
February 2007 Poor Poor VeryPoor VeryPoor Poor
The site is lovely! Plenty of in stream habitat and pools and riffles by the dozen. The site is flowing very fast and has large granite rocks provided in stream habitat. The site has recently had a lot of work and has had all of the balckberries removed from the site. The new owners have done a great job in lcearing the land and it appears that all blackberries have been removed from the immediate site

Physical Chemical Tests

No physical chemical tests recorded at this location
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