DOWNLOAD DATASpring fed creek flowing in a SE direction to Moorabool R through grassland and gully country. Vegetation classification: Creekline herb-rich woodland approx 3-4m bank to bank. Permanent pools when not flowing. Euc. Viminalis, Euc ovata, Euc. Oblique, Euc rakiata, acacia mearnsii, ac pyenontho, ac melonodyn, ac novea-zelondiae, bursoria spinosa, lichens, leptospermum lanigereem, Brunoria australis, Clematis microphylla,Lissanthe strigossa, goodenia ovata, Rhogodia porabolica, Themeda triandra, silver tussock, wallaby grass, sedges & rushes. Weeds: gorse and spring-rush
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Fair 3 | VeryPoor 2 | Poor 4 | VeryPoor 1 | Poor 4 | Good 14 |