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CO_DEA010 Moorabool River Catchment

Sutherland Creek Sub Catchment


Habitat Scores

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26-02-2004 - 03-05-2010
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation
May 2010 Fair VeryPoor Poor Poor VeryPoor
Eucalyptus viminalis, ovata, obliqua, (quite a lot of timber fallen this year, but a lot of new tree seedling close to creek); Acacia mearnsii, pycanthea; Bursaria spinosa; Leptospermum lonigerum; Brunonia australis; clematis microphylla; goodenia ovata; maiden-hair fern; Rhagodia parabolicaa; wallaby grass; kangaroo grass, spiny rush; water ribbons; phragmites; common tussock grass; Pelagonium australe; lomandra; green hood orchid; Bossiaea prostrata; cranberry heath; new weed gladious tristus
January 2009 Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor
Vegetation: Eucalyptus viminalis; ovota; obliqua; rodiata. Signs of natural re-vegetation of Eucs. Leucoxylon on slopes above creek. Acacia mearnsii; melanoxylon; pycnantha; Bursoria speriosa; Leptospermum Langigerum, Bunoria ousrates, clematis microphylla, bridgee-widgee; goodenia ovata; lomondra; maiden-fair fern; tricongene electrior; wohlenbergia; rhagodia porobolia; wallaby grass; lobelia protiodes; spring rush; water ribbons; glabiolus tristus (newish weed) on the increase. This was difficult to read the plant descriptions due to C.Baird's hand writing.
October 2007 Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor
Eucalyptus viminalis, ovata, obliqua, acacia mearnsii, pycmontha, melonoxylon, Bursaria spinosa, leptospermum lanigerum, Brunonia australis, Bidgee-widgee, Goodenia ovata, Pimelia humilis,Wurmbea dioica, Burchardia umbellata, Clematis microphylla, Pterostylis nutans, fringe lilly, maiden hair fern, Rhagodia parabolica, wallaby grass, chocolate lilly, glossodia major (orettio), clustered everlasting, rushes, weeds - some spiny rush.
February 2006 Fair VeryPoor Poor VeryPoor Poor
Eucalyptus viminalis,ovata,obliqua,radiata,acacia mearnsii,pycmontha,melonoxylon,acaena novea-zealandiae,Bursaria spinosa,leptospermum,lanigerum,Brunonia australis, lichens,Clematis microphylla,Lissanthe strigosa,Goodenia ovata,Rhagodia parabolica, Themeda triandra,wallaby grass, sedges,rushes, weeds -gorse (much reduced), some spiny rush. A large amount of fallen vegetation: leaf litter, bark, acacia seed, pods cover many eroded slopes, also trees fallen toward the creek from the steep side of the gully. When it rains will they fall in or will they assist revegetation?
April 2005 Fair VeryPoor Poor VeryPoor Poor
Spring fed creek flowing in a SE direction to Moorabool R through grassland and gully country. Vegetation classification: Creekline herb-rich woodland approx 3-4m bank to bank. Permanent pools when not flowing. Euc. Viminalis, Euc ovata, Euc. Oblique, Euc rakiata, acacia mearnsii, ac pyenontho, ac melonodyn, ac novea-zelondiae, bursoria spinosa, lichens, leptospermum lanigereem, Brunoria australis, Clematis microphylla,Lissanthe strigossa, goodenia ovata, Rhogodia porabolica, Themeda triandra, silver tussock, wallaby grass, sedges & rushes. Weeds: gorse and spring-rush
February 2004 Poor VeryPoor Poor VeryPoor Poor
creek approx 3-4 metres wide. Plenty of native trees on site

Water Bugs

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WaterWatch Method
26-02-2004 - 09-11-2010
Date Taxa Count Total score Rating
May 2010 34 23 Poor
October 2009 130 10 Poor
October 2008 201 10 Fair
October 2007 676 15 Fair
September 2006 184 23 Poor
June 2006 44 20 Poor
December 2005 131 15 Poor
April 2005 160 31 Poor
November 2004 288 27 Fair
February 2004 256 28 Fair

Physical Chemical Tests

Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
8.25 mg/L
Temperature - WATER
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
13.0 ° C
8.0° C
Temperature - AIR
Explain for me 25-11-1996 to 10-05-2011
18.0 ° C
11.0° C
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
7.00 pH Units
7.00pH Units
Electrical Conductivity
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
5400.00 µS/cm
Reactive Phosphate (mg/L)
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
0.015 mg/L P
0.000mg/L P
Total Phosphorus
Explain for me 28-10-1999
N/A mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation
Explain for me 27-12-1996 to 10-05-2011
75 %
Turbidity - NTU
Explain for me 05-04-1995 to 10-05-2011
10 NTU
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