DOWNLOAD DATAEucalyptus viminalis,ovata,obliqua,radiata,acacia mearnsii,pycmontha,melonoxylon,acaena novea-zealandiae,Bursaria spinosa,leptospermum,lanigerum,Brunonia australis, lichens,Clematis microphylla,Lissanthe strigosa,Goodenia ovata,Rhagodia parabolica, Themeda triandra,wallaby grass, sedges,rushes, weeds -gorse (much reduced), some spiny rush. A large amount of fallen vegetation: leaf litter, bark, acacia seed, pods cover many eroded slopes, also trees fallen toward the creek from the steep side of the gully. When it rains will they fall in or will they assist revegetation?
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Fair 3 | VeryPoor 2 | Poor 4 | VeryPoor 1 | Poor 4 | Good 14 |