DOWNLOAD DATAVegetation: Eucalyptus viminalis; ovota; obliqua; rodiata. Signs of natural re-vegetation of Eucs. Leucoxylon on slopes above creek. Acacia mearnsii; melanoxylon; pycnantha; Bursoria speriosa; Leptospermum Langigerum, Bunoria ousrates, clematis microphylla, bridgee-widgee; goodenia ovata; lomondra; maiden-fair fern; tricongene electrior; wohlenbergia; rhagodia porobolia; wallaby grass; lobelia protiodes; spring rush; water ribbons; glabiolus tristus (newish weed) on the increase. This was difficult to read the plant descriptions due to C.Baird's hand writing.
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Fair 3 | Poor 4 | Poor 4 | Poor 2 | Poor 4 | Good 17 |