DOWNLOAD DATAEucalyptus viminalis, ovata, obliqua, (quite a lot of timber fallen this year, but a lot of new tree seedling close to creek); Acacia mearnsii, pycanthea; Bursaria spinosa; Leptospermum lonigerum; Brunonia australis; clematis microphylla; goodenia ovata; maiden-hair fern; Rhagodia parabolicaa; wallaby grass; kangaroo grass, spiny rush; water ribbons; phragmites; common tussock grass; Pelagonium australe; lomandra; green hood orchid; Bossiaea prostrata; cranberry heath; new weed gladious tristus
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Fair 3 | VeryPoor 2 | Poor 4 | Poor 2 | VeryPoor 2 | Good 13 |