DOWNLOAD DATAOverall not a very nice looking site. Paddocks up and dowwnstream from the bridge run into the creek with no fences to limit stock access. The creek is not flowing, there are only pools of water (some of which are large pools mainly on the downstream side of the bridge) here and there which is often how this site looks. Errosion on the southbank upstream side of the bridge seems to have accelerated particularly in one spot where it seems that livestock could have easy access now. There were a couple of Galahs sitting on the dead tree at the bridge when I arrived but nothing else around that I can see not even any livestock anywhere. Photos in diary.
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Poor 2 | Poor 4 | Fair 6 | Fair 3 | VeryPoor 2 | 17 |