DOWNLOAD DATAIf I could rate both sides of the bridge seperately I would rate downstream very poor and upstream fair to good. Looking downstream not a very nice looking site, it has paddocks coming down to the river on both sides with hardly any fences to protect the banks from livestock. Looking upstream there is a lot more bank and verge vegetation with better fences to restrict livestock but it is still acccesable to livestock, the vegetation however does have some weeds and Blackberries starting to take hold again. Water flow is on the low side of medium. Water appears fairly clear but there is a green slimy area downstream of the bridge. I first noticed this slime appear in March 2016, it cleared up by May 2016 and I have not seen it appear again untill today Jan 2017. I can hear some birds but cannot see any wildlife, water creatures or livestock any where. Photo in diary.
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Poor 2 | Fair 6 | Fair 6 | Fair 3 | VeryPoor 2 | 19 |