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CO_MOE070 Moorabool River Catchment

East Branch Sub Catchment

Active Reach: 32_10 Moorabool River East Branch

Monitoring organisation
CO_Moorabool Catchment Monitors

Habitat Scores

Explain for me
08-09-2008 - 02-01-2024
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation
January 2024 Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor

Please refer to separate attachments for notes and photos. 

January 2022 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor

We have had a spell of hot weather over a few days, today it is 30 degrees it appears the sheep have been finding shelter around the bridge and under the trees along the river bank. There are cattle all grazing along the river further down. There is freshly flatened grass and debrief on some parts of the bank probably from a recent flood. There are a couple of what appears to be serated tussocks in the distant verge vegetation. 

January 2022 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor

We have had a spell of hot weather over a few days, today it is 30°c it appears the sheep have been finding shelter around the bridge and under the trees along the river bank. There are cattle also grazing along the river further down. There is freshly flatened grass and debris on some parts of the bank probably from a recent flood. There are a couple of what appears to be serated tussocks in the distant verge vegetation.(I have tried to  take into account and even out my observations when rating the stream habitat scores looking upstream does score a lot higher than looking downstream from the bridge). I will put some photos in the diary.

January 2019 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor

The water flow is fairly slow today, it appears still but it is flowing. There is a slight oily patch on the surface close to the bridge otherwise the water is clear. I can see some Crows, Magpies, Butterflies and grass hoopers. No farm animals to be seen today. There are a few Gorse bushes around that have sprouted new growth also a few Blackberry bushes.

January 2018 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor

The water appears slightly milky this year, I cannot see any signs of waterflow however it is still continuous. Slightly a bit more bank vegetaion this year also some blackberries and other weeds, otherwise not much change from last year.

January 2017 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor

If I could rate both sides of the bridge seperately I would rate downstream very poor and upstream fair to good. Looking downstream not a very nice looking site, it has paddocks coming down to the river on both sides with hardly any fences to protect the banks from livestock. Looking upstream there is a lot more bank and verge vegetation with better fences to restrict livestock but it is still acccesable to livestock, the vegetation however does have some weeds and Blackberries starting to take hold again. Water flow is on the low side of medium. Water appears fairly clear but there is a green slimy area downstream of the bridge. I first noticed this slime appear in March 2016, it cleared up by May 2016 and I have not seen it appear again untill today Jan 2017. I can hear some birds but cannot see any wildlife, water creatures or livestock any where. Photo in diary.

January 2016 Poor Fair Fair Fair VeryPoor
Refer to diary for photos & notes. Very quiet here today. Could not sight any wildlife or water creatures, only movement is from 3 sheep playing jump through the hole in the fence, no other livestock to be seen anywhere. (Which is unusual) It was a very hot day yesterday so maybe all the animals & water creatures are having a sleep in today.
February 2010 Good Fair Fair Good Excellent
Photos with record
September 2008 Good Fair Fair Fair Excellent
see photos. There was a fair bit of gorse upstream from bridge. Some blackberries. And other weed like plants I don't know what type. Upstream from site taken over by Cumbungi.

Water Bugs

Explain for me
WaterWatch Method
29-09-2008 - 04-10-2009
Date Taxa Count Total score Rating
September 2008 60 14 Poor

Physical Chemical Tests

Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
5.85 mg/L
Temperature - WATER
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
13.0 ° C
18.0° C
Temperature - AIR
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
15.0 ° C
20.0° C
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
7.50 pH Units
7.60pH Units
Electrical Conductivity
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
1730.00 µS/cm
Reactive Phosphate (mg/L)
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
0.020 mg/L P
0.040mg/L P
Total Phosphorus
Explain for me 11-01-2009 to 30-11-2009
0.03 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
59 %
Turbidity - NTU
Explain for me 16-05-2007 to 28-01-2025
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