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WaterWatch Data Portal

CO_MOE070 Moorabool River Catchment

Thursday 27th January 2022 11:00am Approved

Physical Chemical Tests

Dissolved Oxygen % Saturation
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L
Electrical Conductivity
7.2pH Units
Reactive Phosphate (mg/L)
0.07mg/L P
Temperature - AIR
30° C
Temperature - WATER
23° C
Turbidity - NTU

Water Conditions

Last rainfall
During the last 24 hours 5.40
Flow estimate
MEDIUM: flow is normal/typical average flow
Water Appearance
Stained brown
Stream depth
0 - 50cm
Stream width
2m - 5m


We have had a spell of hot weather over a few days, today it is 30°c it appears the sheep have been finding shelter around the bridge and under the trees along the river bank. There are cattle also grazing along the river further down. There is freshly flatened grass and debris on some parts of the bank probably from a recent flood. There are a couple of what appears to be serated tussocks in the distant verge vegetation.(I have tried to  take into account and even out my observations when rating the stream habitat scores looking upstream does score a lot higher than looking downstream from the bridge). I will put some photos in the diary.

Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
Poor 2 Fair 6 Fair 6 Fair 3 VeryPoor 2 19

Diary photos

Physical Chemical Trends

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